Emerging Forensic Tools for Locating and Analyzing Digital EvidenceISBN: 9781466695917
Publication Date: 8/31/2015
Digital evidence comprises information found on a broad range of electronic devices and is generally considered useful to the courts because of its probative value. Unfortunately, it is becoming apparent that complex technical issues, increasingly large datasets, and the special properties of digital evidence often makes it difficult for the courts to understand the true nature and value of the evidence presented. The Emerging Forensic Tools for Locating and Analyzing Digital Evidence video lecture presents case studies highlighting the challenges associated with digital evidence location and analysis in criminal and civil legal cases. It introduces the world’s leading forensic tools to meet and overcome these challenges and presents new concepts in the way digital evidence is now being garnered and processed by more enlightened practitioners.This video lecture is a valuable educational resource for digital forensic practitioners involved in corporate investigations, law enforcement officers, forensic auditors, IT security professionals, and members of the legal community.