Welcome to IGI Global LibGuides! Our team has worked hard to build out this guide with content specifically related to Accounting & Finance.
Whether you’re a librarian or an end-user, we know you’ll be amazed at the breadth and organization of citable, accurate information we’ve put together. Visit each tab to find books and journals focused in this particular subject area.
And let us know what you think: eresources@igi-global.com!
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Our LibGuides work best for institutions with an IGI Global InfoSci-Books and/or InfoSci-Journals subscription. They can also be used with an InfoSci-Subject Database subscription.
Please contact Beth Ellen Dibeler at bdibeler@igi-global.com if you encounter any access issues, would like to request a specific guide, or if your institution has a subscription to an InfoSci-Subject Database and would like to know more about subject specific guides compatible with your holdings.
IGI Global’s LibGuides are a great place to start when you need a jumping-off point for your e-resources. But when your library needs in-depth information science and technology coverage, consider the full IGI Global databases:
A world-class collection of over 3,000 information science and technology reference works, encyclopedias, handbooks of research, teaching cases and proceedings.
The IGI Global journal collection includes more than 158 cutting-edge, interdisciplinary technology-focused journals managed since 1988.
The new streaming video collection was developed in partnership with leading academics and practitioners to deliver information science and technology lectures.
For more information, contact IGI Global's E-Resources & Consortia Relations Manager, Jackie Ricords, at jricords@igi-global.com.